Among the most vulnerable, women- and youth-owned enterprises are often at risk of external shocks. This is when the percentage and overall number of business formations by women and youth are increasing worldwide. However, facing limited access to affordable finance, capacity-building support, partnership networks, and global markets, women and young entrepreneurs need help to overcome the numerous challenges that frequently stifle the growth of their businesses, confining many of them to informality or necessity entrepreneurship.

Policies that strengthen capacities and support MSMEs development and entrepreneurship for women and youth need to be at the forefront to address those challenges, lower and remove barriers, and provide an operating environment for women- and youth-owned businesses to grow, thus contributing to the full achievement of SDGs 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and the "leave no one behind" promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.

Policies that strengthen capacities and support MSMEs development and entrepreneurship for women and youth need to be at the forefront to address those challenges, lower and remove barriers, and provide an operating environment for women- and youth-owned businesses to grow, thus contributing to the full achievement of SDGs 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and the "leave no one behind" promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.

 News content and photos provided by the organizer

Celebrity Media Alliance

The Celebrity Media Alliance is a tax-exempt, non-profit media organization registered in New York State, USA, operating an online television network focused on global news, primarily covering United Nations news.

The Celebrity Media Alliance promotes the peace gospel concept of the Prince of Peace, aiming to support international affairs of the United Nations and extensively engage in public welfare activities. The Alliance is committed to promoting celebrity images through media and providing a network platform that facilitates communication and interaction between celebrities and the public in the official six languages of the United Nations. The mission of Celebrity Media is to disseminate the voices of celebrities through media, enabling the public to better understand celebrities.

The Celebrity Media Alliance operates with the enthusiastic volunteer and philanthropic support, and our consensus is that it is necessary to discover and support non-profit organizations and projects dedicated to improving global social conditions.

Where feasible, the Celebrity Media Alliance provides financial support for the international affairs and public welfare activities of the United Nations, including offering charitable donations, as well as supporting promotional, educational, and advocacy activities. The Celebrity Media FAlliance is committed to the positive progression of global public welfare and encourages influential international charities and celebrities to provide high-standard charitable support for international affairs and public welfare activities.

Celebrity Media TV welcomes news from United Nations NGOs. Please send it to


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