Celebrity Media follows the spirit of the United Nations Charter, with its core purpose and mission dedicated to supporting the UN in maintaining world peace, promoting the development of international affairs, and sponsoring international public welfare initiatives. Celebrity Media collaborates with media outlets in the six official languages of the UN News Centre, forming the Celebrity Media Alliance, committed to providing authoritative and truthful news reports to countries around the world and delivering the UN's important messages.



The Celebrity Media online platform is managed and maintained by the AI Technology Department of the Celebrity Foundation. Based on the news releases and video content from the UN News Centre, it utilizes an advanced automated paid service system to efficiently broadcast news in six official languages. The platform is uniquely distinguished by its ability to feature previously reported compelling news stories on the homepage, intertwining history with the present, and offering profound inspiration to its audience.

Following the UN Web TV news broadcasting model, Celebrity Media publishes news in a concise and clear manner, with minimal post-production, preserving the original state of the recorded videos. This approach authentically and objectively reflects various perspectives, earning high recognition from the United Nations and the international community over the years.

To meet the needs of news development in the AI era and cater to users requiring rapid news releases, we have launched a fast news publishing service featuring mobile-captured images, texts, and videos. Users in need can submit their content to Celebrity Media from any location using various methods, and Celebrity Media will publish it in both Chinese and English. A key feature of this service is its adaptability to different filming preferences, whether horizontal or vertical mobile recordings. The content will be perfectly displayed on Celebrity Media’s platform, providing an exceptional viewing experience whether accessed via computer or mobile devices.

In addition to regular video news reports with rich visuals and text, Celebrity Media also offers...(Please click the image above)There are also video news reports in the six official UN languages displayed on the same page. (Please click the image above).In addition, we have launched a dual video news page featuring both horizontal and vertical reports to accommodate different mobile filming preferences. (Please click the image above). As well as a dedicated page for vertically filmed news reports. (Please click the image above)

This provides a stunning and breathtaking experience when viewed on a computer, and even on mobile devices, it leaves a lasting impression.

Feel free to contact our news editorial department at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Celebrity Media Alliance online platform is produced and maintained by the AI Technology Department of the Celebrity Foundation. A key feature of the Celebrity Media Alliance platform is its use of the six official UN languages to broadcast news. Some platforms also have the ability to showcase stories and programs reported years ago on the homepage. Additionally, the Celebrity Media Alliance platform allows you to make your voice heard and share your story through the UN News Centre.


Celebrity Media Alliance

The Celebrity Media Alliance is a tax-exempt, non-profit media organization registered in New York State, USA, operating an online television network focused on global news, primarily covering United Nations news.

The Celebrity Media Alliance promotes the peace gospel concept of the Prince of Peace, aiming to support international affairs of the United Nations and extensively engage in public welfare activities. The Alliance is committed to promoting celebrity images through media and providing a network platform that facilitates communication and interaction between celebrities and the public in the official six languages of the United Nations. The mission of Celebrity Media is to disseminate the voices of celebrities through media, enabling the public to better understand celebrities.

The Celebrity Media Alliance operates with the enthusiastic volunteer and philanthropic support, and our consensus is that it is necessary to discover and support non-profit organizations and projects dedicated to improving global social conditions.

Where feasible, the Celebrity Media Alliance provides financial support for the international affairs and public welfare activities of the United Nations, including offering charitable donations, as well as supporting promotional, educational, and advocacy activities. The Celebrity Media FAlliance is committed to the positive progression of global public welfare and encourages influential international charities and celebrities to provide high-standard charitable support for international affairs and public welfare activities.

Celebrity Media TV welcomes news from United Nations NGOs. Please send it to winlifepeace@gmail.com.


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