Editor Note: A High-Level Dialogue in commemoration of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78) entitled "Parliamentary-Civil Society Alliances: Propelling Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) and Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) to New Heights." held at UN Women on 18 September.

The event is co-hosted by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), Women Political Leaders (WPL) and UN Women.


, "Equality for Women, Peace for All," aimed at promoting gender equality and advancing women's rights worldwide. This initiative seeks to address the critical link between gender equality and sustainable peace, recognizing the invaluable contributions of women in building and maintaining peaceful societies.

Raise Awareness: "Equality for Women, Peace for All" seeks to raise global awareness about the integral role of women in conflict prevention, resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction. Advocate for Gender Equality: The campaign aims to advocate for the inclusion of women at all levels of decision-making, from local to international, and to encourage gender-responsive policies and initiatives.

Celebrate Women's Achievements: UN Women will celebrate the achievements of women who have made significant contributions to peacebuilding efforts, highlighting their stories and experiences. Mobilize Support: The campaign will mobilize governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals to support efforts to empower women and promote gender equality.